Photoshop Web Template — Web Site Design Tutorial
Many people new to web design are confused by slices and Javascript rollovers and end up abandoning their projects out of frustration. The point of this Photoshop web tutorial is to keep things simple by creating a web page that uses only 2 graphics.
Website Plan
We'll create a banner and place it in a table that will contain 5 rows and 1 column. The banner will be placed in the top row. The next row will contain the text for your site and any photos you may wish to include. Row 3 will hold a separator, row 4 will be for your text links and a copyright notice, and row 5 will hold a second separator.
Let's Get Going
Choose A Website Color Scheme
The colors of the banner and the website will be taken from the various pinks used in the image. There are 3 pinks I want to use — a dark pink, a middle pink, and a lighter pink that I made myself from a shade of the darker pink.
Now open another new document and in the Background Contents select White. Click OK. With this document open, create a new layer by going Layer> New> Layer. Then go Edit> Fill and select Contents, Use: Foreground Color. This will fill your document with the color you just sampled. The trick here is to lower the opacity using the slider and to keep playing around with it until you find a nice shade. When you settle on one, flatten the image by going Layer> Flatten Image. Use the eyedropper tool again, this time to change the foreground color square in your toolbox so it is the same as your newly created color. Now click on the color square and the color picker will come up, and you can write down the numbers of your new color.
Choose A Font
To select a font in Photoshop go Window> Character. In the palette you'll see a list of your installed fonts. To tweak the settings you'll need to bring up the Paragraph palette. You can do this by going Window> Paragraph.
Looking for new fonts? At the end of this tutorial you'll find a list to some free font resources.
Designing A Website Banner
Now I'll create a new layer, Layer> New Layer and I'll call it Designer Girl. I'll place the illustration on this layer and shrink it to fit. You shrink your graphic by choosing Edit> Transform> Scale. The bounding box will have handles. Use the Shift Key to constrain proportions, and shrink your image by selecting the top left handle and pulling towards the bottom right. To move the graphic, drag inside the bounding box. Click enter when you're happy with the results.
Next we want a tinted background. I'm going to go with the light pink.
Adding A Background Color
The result is a 600 x 300 banner with a gentle background color and with the art placed on the left. We're getting there.
Apply A Thick Stroke To Create A Border
Select and then click on the word Stroke in the Styles options on the left side. I changed the settings to Size: 7px, Position: Inside, Blend Mode: Normal, Opacity: 100%, Fill Type: Color, and I clicked the color swatch and entered D04E8C in the color picker. Click OK.
The border is just to balance out the design, so by all means make changes and get creative with your own ideas.
Website Name & Section Titles
Create a new layer for your words. Use the type tool to create the section names and then use the move tool to position them exactly to where you want on the banner. Remember to pick a color for your text that is darker than your background color to avoid finding yourself screaming obscenities and suffering major hair loss! Do this by going Window> Character. In the Character palette you'll find a color square. Click on it to change colors.
You'll need an HTML editor like GoLive or Dreamweaver to automate this process. It's really very simple. You make little "maps" over each word and then enter the link destination. If you don't have an HTML editor you'll need to do a Google search on image maps to find a tutorial, or buy a book like Elizabeth Castro's HTML Quickstart Guide to help you out.
Plan B
You don't have an HTML editor, you don't want to search for a tutorial, and you don't want to buy Elizabeth Castro's book? That's ok. We'll go to Plan B - using regular text links right inside the web page itself. That means we have some empty space on the banner now, right below the website name. Use this space to add a descriptive phrase about what the user will find on your site.
The Separator
Create a new document. The width should be 600 pixels, and the height should be about 12 pixels. Fill this with your background color. Then, using the text tool and a dark color, type some periods, like this:........... and place them in the file, centering them. Change the size and the spacing until it looks perfect. Now save this as a GIF file.
Build A Simple Table
In your HTML editor of choice build a simple table that contains 5 rows and 1 column. If you're going to use text link navigation below the banner instead of image maps on the banner, create an extra row so you end up with 6 rows in your table. Now place your elements into the individual rows of the table and you're done.
The Final Result
It's time to have a look! Here is the final website page design.
Plan Bb — Let Someone Else Do It
If you are on deadline and can't cope with learning any more Photoshop techniques or HTML, here's another solution. You can buy a ready-made template from Template Monster that you can use as a base to create web pages in Photoshop.
On the front page of Template Monster you'll find a pulldown menu where you can select options and then carry out a search for a template. The templates are reasonably priced and pretty easy to manage in GoLive or Dreamweaver. In the past I've purchased a template solely for the color scheme and the images. On certain projects I found this was less expensive than buying stock photos. Visit Template Monster to see the wide variety of website templates that they offer.
SiteGrinder Photoshop Plugin
All versions of SiteGrinder generate web pages with graphics, styled and even scrolling web text, rollover buttons, popups, and multi-level menus. Interactive elements can be constructed from graphics, text, or a mix of both, and function across multiple web pages that are automatically linked to one another.
SiteGrinder uses the names of your layers to generate pages. You simply add hints like "-button," "-rollover," and "-link" to the end of your layer names, then open SiteGrinder from Photoshop’s File> Automate menu and click the Build button. SiteGrinder can create an entire website containing styled text, rollover buttons, popups, text and graphic menus — all from the layer names in Photoshop. Mac OS X and Windows versions of the SiteGrinder unlockable demo are available now via download.
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